Squaring the circle , which talks about the relationship between circles and squares,
Shows how famous mathematicians of the time calculated the ratio of Circumference.
"The story of circles and Circumference | The story of Circumference"
I made up to 3 episodes.
This time, how did Archimedes find the ratio of pi?
I tried to tell you in detail.
To explain how the circumference of a circle was measured in that era.
First, we talked about the “Method of Exhaustion”.
Method of Exhaustion that is the basis of calculus is
It is known that “Eudoxus” was the first to use it.
Eudoxus was an ancient Greek astronomer and a scholar who studied with Plato.
It is said that he studied the problem of spherical curves in relation to astronomy research.
It is believed that the <Spherical Geometry> known to us was based on the writings of Eudoxus.
Eudoxus, a famous scholar, used and organized the method of exhaustion.
Archimedes took over and used it to find the area of a circle.
Of course, Archimedes has many famous achievements and anecdotes.
Among those anecdotes, the 'pure gold crown' anecdote discussed in Episode 8 of Civilization and Mathematics is also well known.
To put it briefly,
Hiero II made a crown of pure gold.
I want to make sure the craftsman made it only with pure gold.
They asked Archimedes to judge the authenticity of the pure gold crown.
One day when I was wondering how to find out,
While taking a bath, I saw water overflowing.
An idea occurred to me and I wanted to solve it quickly.
There is an anecdote about a man running out naked saying ‘Eureka’.
Archimedes has many anecdotes and achievements.
We can't talk about 'pi ratio' without mentioning it.
If you’re curious about the story of Archimedes’ pi
How about watching the linked video?
Calculated the value of pi, which is the same as the value of pi by the ancient Indian mathematician “Ariyabhata”.
Archimedes' story of pi.
Let's start now.
If you want to see the story of circles and pi from the beginning,
I recommend the link below.
원과 무리수 π 이야기 |The story of circles and pi
고대 중국의 주비산경과 레오나르도다빈치의 비투르비안맨, 고대 이집트와 조충지 그리고 고대 그리스의 아르키메데스까지 무리수 π 와 떠나는 세계 곳곳으로의 여행 그리고 즐거운 음악까지~