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math knowledge

숫자 2025의 의미 | 페르마의 마지막 정리 | 카프리카 수 | 하샤드 수 2025년 새해가 다가오고 있습니다.숫자 2025에는 어떤 의미가 있을까요?소수와 합성수306번째 소수 2017과307번째 소수 2027 사이에 있는 2025는 합성수입니다. 소수는   1과 그수 자신 이외의 자연수로는 나눌 수 없는, 1보다 큰 자연수합성수는 1보다 큰 자연수 중에서 소수가 아닌 수로, 약수의 개수가 3개 이상인 수  로마 숫자 로마 숫자로는 위의 사진과 같이 표기합니다.지금은 보기 힘들지만 많이 사용되었던 문자였습니다. 곱셈표 그리고 구구단 우리가 많이 사용하고 있는 곱셈공식인 구구단입니다.9와 9의 곱셈표에서 구한 모든 수들의 총 합이 2025임을 알 수 있습니다. 인도의 수학자 카프리카, 카프리카 수 인도의 수학자 D. R. Kaprekar 카프리카 수라고 유명한 인도의 수학자입니..
Secrets of the 2-second double-digit multiplication method and multiplication in countries around the world hello. This is Kang Tae Gong Mathematics. Today we will look at the secrets of multiplication methods in various countries around the world and the 2-second double-digit multiplication method. It was very refreshing because it was different from the modern multiplication method. And is it just me who seems to like the new one better than the one I'm using now? This may be due to the influence of..
Hippocrates of the Beginning of the Doctor and Hippocrates of the Crescent Moon Hippocrates(460-370 BC), known as the father of medicine, was a physician during the Pericles era in ancient Greece. The Hippocratic school that bears his name separated medicine from magic and philosophy, created the profession of doctor, and revolutionized ancient Greek medicine. The records that remain are mixed up, so the details of his thoughts and actions are not known. Nevertheless, Hippo..
To be good at math | Mathematics in Civilization and History ‘The Birth of Numbers and Mathematics’ | ktgmath introduction and planning intention hello. This is ktgmath. Today is the beginning of Korea's National Explanation Day. So, I would like to introduce the ‘birth of numbers’, the beginning of mathematics. There are 12 episodes of Civilization and Mathematics, and the cumulative number of views is over 2 million, but there is no proper introduction yet. I am writing this to celebrate the holiday. ktgmath There is a drink that studen..
The world's oldest math puzzle | Ames Papyrus Problem No. 79 What is the oldest math textbook in the world? In ancient Egypt, the absolute power had a group of experts to rule the country. They were soldiers to fight foreign enemies, officials to enforce the Pharaoh's orders, and priests to rule according to God's will. And in order to maintain absolute power, they did not want knowledge to spread widely. The custodian of this knowledge was Ahmes, who wor..
Sam Lloyd's 14-15 Puzzle | How to solve impossible problems | pleasure of thought Sam Lloyd's 14-15 puzzle is a representative sliding puzzle. The original idea for this puzzle was created by Noyes Palmer Chapman, the postmaster general of Canastota, New York. However, it gained explosive popularity when Sam Lloyd announced that he would give a $1,000 prize for a newspaper column. Lloyd was a truly original and ingenious puzzle writer. Lloyd unearthed a buried and difficult m..
Change knight position | Topological order | Guarni's Puzzle Do you remember the Guarni puzzle we covered in the previous episode? It was a change in the knight's position. I wanted to express the knight's movement path like a thread and show the feeling of unraveling a tangled skein of thread. It was a pity that I couldn't show it in the previous video, but I can finally show it to you. I wanted to make a video of the thread unraveling and turning into a..
How many multiples is 27720? | How to quickly determine multiples How many multiples is 27720? Let’s learn Divisibility rule. a | b is an expression that b is divisible by a. All natural numbers are multiples of 1. You can find out the divisibility of 2 just by looking at the number of ones digits. If the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, it is a multiple of 2. When we see an even number, we can intuitively know that it is a multiple of 2. Here, the ones digit i..
