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Math quiz and matchstick puzzle

Matchstick problem approach and explanation that develops thinking skills and creativity

To solve math problems well, you need mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Did you know that the more you think about it, the bigger your tree of thoughts becomes?

If you already have good thinking skills and know how to take a variety of approaches, 

you are probably already good at math.

However, people who have difficulty with math or young students 

who are just beginning to learn math need training in thinking and creativity.

Of course, it is also good for those who like brain training or those who need to continue training their creativity.

I planned and uploaded a math puzzle that most people fail at, as well as an easier matchstick problem.

It covers two difficult math puzzles and matchstick quizzes. Here we will discuss the matchstick problem approach.

Today, rather than simply posting the matchstick problem and showing its correct answer, 

I'm going to talk about the approach.

I tried to express the growing tree of thoughts. There are so many, and if you put your mind to solving them, you can solve countless problems.

First, I will explain by looking at the basic questions.

The most basic problems involve changing numbers.

Most of the time, only one moves.

Let's look at the problem.

There are 3 solutions?!

The point of this problem is that 9 and 0 are the same number of matchsticks.

Just change 9+9=9 to 0+9=9 or 9+0=9.

When the basic matchstick numbers are the same, 

there are times when you change them within them, 

and there are times when you change the numbers by bringing them from somewhere else.

The third method is fun because it is creative. Think about it.

You will naturally find the answer as you watch the video or read the article.

Another 3 ways? When moving two or more things, various correct answers can come out.

In most matchstick equation problems, there is a precondition that the equal sign is not touched.

If it doesn't say that and you don't know, 

just remove the matchstick from the 9 and change the equal sign to not equal.

Then you can guess it even if you don't know much.

There are three ways to do this without changing the equal sign.

Of course there could be more.

First, change the number!!

Change the 2 in front to 9. 9-5=4

If you are good at changing numbers, you can solve most matchstick equation problems.

The second and third methods are to start by replacing subtraction with addition.

2+2=4 And another way!

Because they can think in such diverse ways,

 I think doing matchstick puzzles like this from a young age

 is very helpful to children and students.

When I was young, my math skills improved after reading a book called ‘Building a Brain’.

If you naturally access such puzzle books or videos with your family, 

your family's thinking skills and creativity can improve.

When I teach many students, there are some who I feel most sorry for.

Solving a large number of workbooks does not guarantee good math grades, 

but when students do not get good grades, 

they continue to work harder and increase the amount of problem solving they do.

Mathematics should develop your ability to think. You have to think about different things.

Oh! Professional spirit!

The nagging got longer without me even realizing it.  Let's go back to the explanation.

I tried changing the numbers...

First, we look at the problem and try to change the numbers.

But no matter what you do, it doesn't work.

Then, the approach is to change subtraction into addition and addition into subtraction.

Subtract one from 9 and get 2+3=5

oh! Finally, it was time for the tickets to come out.

First, add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

It would be good to know how many matchsticks you need.

You can also use 4 additions. In most cases, there is no multiplication and division, but it may be necessary.


If you know the required number of matchsticks by dividing them into groups, the matchstick problem is o.k.

Usually, 7 is written using four matchsticks, but depending on the test taker, three matchsticks are also used.

From here, we learn that the intention of the test taker is important.

When solving high school math, the test taker's intention and clues are very important, 

and the matchstick problem was the same.

To explain briefly with an example:

4 and 7 require the same number of matchsticks. If you lift it slightly, it becomes 7.

Since 9 and 5 are one difference, and subtraction and addition are also one difference, 

we can change 9 to 5 and subtraction to addition.

And 4 and 7 require the same number of matchsticks, so if you lift them up, they become 7!

You can change it to 2+5=7.

If you move one from 6, it becomes 9 or 0.

The problem that uses the relationship between 6, 9, and 0 is the problem we first saw.

9 and 0 require the same number of matchsticks, and can be changed by moving just one.

The ideal thing is to make various moves and think about it every time without looking at the table.

However, for children who do not have much thinking power at first, 

looking at the table can be one way to solve problems.

Creating a table yourself and understanding the test taker's intention by looking at it 

will be very helpful in improving your math skills and thinking power.


A good problem that helps us get rid of the bias of digits.

One of the most important things to do when solving difficult math problems is to eliminate preconceptions.

Matchstick equation problems eliminate these preconceptions and train you to think differently.

You can become familiar with squares by moving the shapes in various ways.

Through shape problems like this, you can become familiar with squares and equilateral triangles.

A great problem to expand our thinking

Lastly, here is a link to a YouTube video that comprehensively summarizes the matchstick problem.





math puzzle | 두뇌 계발을 위한 30초 아이큐 게임 | 문제적 남자

Have fun thinking. | 즐거운 사고의 시간을 가져보세요. 수학 응용력이 떨어지는 학생, 신유형을 잘 못 푸는 학생은 수학적 사고력을 높이는 훈련이 필요합니다. 숫자와 친해지면 다양한 생각을 해보


